Well Kirsten decided while no one was watching to cut her own hair. From the picture you can see the damage to her bangs. What the picture doesn't show is how short she cut the side of her hair. It was cut above her ear. Only one way to fix it unfortunately.

Yup we had to get it cut even. My friend Trina Rowe was nice enough to cut it. It's just too bad it had to be cut so short. When I asked Kirsten why she cut it all she said was"I wanted to look like a boy." I blame it on the fact that Ken gave himself and Christopher a hair cut. So Kirsten must have felt left out to the point that she wanted it cut that short too. Now I have the challenge of making her not look like a boy until it grows out again. Silly girl. Oh well Hair grows right? Too bad it grows at such a slow rate. Sigh.