
Monday, December 01, 2008

Wow! December 1st and time continues to march on in a way that often it has caught us unaware.

We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, but we are ready to go back to normal life if you can define really what normal is for anyone these days. We spent the actual day with Shani's family down in Grace, Idaho, which is about an hour south of Pocatello. Then through the weekend, Ken spent time with his brother, David, who had time off from the Marines. He lives and works out in Washington DC. So, it was a real treat to get to see him.

We also got the Christmas tree up this year as we pulled out the art tree from the shed. The kids had a blast in helping with setting it up and of course they are excited about the Christmas Holiday.

Well, as promised we have added some before and after pictures of the remodel of our home so that you can get a better idea what we have been up too for the last few months.


These are just a few of the pictures that centers around the kitchen area. We did not get to taking before and after pictures of the living room or bathroom, but we also did that work too. Most of it took two days and since then I have replaced all doors and gotten a lot of the little stuff done since then. If you are interested in seeing more, let me know and I have another photo site setup that contains more pictures.

1 comment:

Scott and Lorri said...

I like the improvements. As I'm sure you love them. New things are so nice.