
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My New Year's Resolution

I wanted to wait to post my new Year's resolution until I knew I could keep it. I have decided to be more clean. To those of you that know me and have seen my house, you know how much of a slob I was or am. (When I say slob I mean stuff on the floor, dishes in the sink, floor not vacuumed, and the table stinky from last night's dinner.)

After hearing that my daughter will clean because I don't clean, that idea hit a strong cord of discontent in me. I thought to myself I want my daughter to clean because I am clean not because I am messy. So about three weeks ago I started to clean. I did little things like wiping off the table washing the dishes, folding the clothes before more were dry, that sort of thing. By that first Friday the entire house was clean. Yes even the bathroom. I have even kept it clean for the past 23 days. A first for even me.

I have noticed some side benefits to this cleaning thing. For one it brings with it a more grateful husband. Ken isn't as stressed when he comes home from work. I feel more comfortable with visitors just dropping in unannounced. Why even my kids have kept there room clean. I should have cleaned like this long ago. Better late then never. So the next time you come to visit me you will be reminded that yes even I can clean.


Lora said...

Congratulations!! Now you can come do my house! Just kidding.

Shani said...

Ok...what day and time? What about payment?