
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christopher He's a good kid

I have come to realize after 1 1/2 years of schooling Christopher through the Idaho Virtual Academy that it just isn't working anymore. Not the school it's self, but me teaching Christopher. I gave it my all. I have no regrets. He has made great progress in reading and comprehension. There are just issues with the mother teacher relationship that I just can't fix while he's here at home. I have had a lot to work through as far as this issue goes. Most people in my position would have given up after only a few weeks. Let's face it I'm not a quitter. It has taken me weeks to realize that putting Christopher in a public school does not make me in any way a quitter. I have just come to realize that some kids are not good at being schooled by their parent. It's hard for me to come to this. I wanted so much to help him. I've also realized that I can still help him in a public school. Their is after all, homework. It's not like Christopher is a bad kid. Putting him in the public school in no way reflects that with me. It just means maybe for him he just needed a year of one on one help at home. He will most likely do just fine away from home in the public school. I guess in some ways I am feeling a little anxious about this whole ordeal. It's funny though. I picked up the papers to get him register in Tendoy and I felt completely calm. Quite unlike the feeling I got when I enrolled him in Kindergarten two years ago. So I have not failed. He has learned a lot at home. I just have to realize now that he can also learn a lot at Tendoy. So it's the end of Christopher being schooled by me. The beginning of his education at Tendoy. Good luck Christopher. I'm sure you'll do fine now. I have to admit, I'll miss you.


Melissa said...

Don't feel bad about it. I think you made the right decision. On Sunday, he was so excited to tell me that he goes to Tendoy and he saw Kyler at recess! His behavior is much different in class; he seems interested in the lesson and he raises his hand and he was especially reverent on Sunday. I don't think you failed because Angie does GREAT with home school. Isn't it funny how different each child is?

Shani said...

It is indeed. I'm so glad to hear he is even doing better in church. I wondered if the two were related. He was so excited to see Kyler in school. He talked a lot about playing with him. Homework with him wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either.You are right. Kids are so different. I'm finding out more and more what works with one kid doesn't always work with the other. I am feeling better about him being in Tendoy the more I think about it. I'm also enjoying my free time. Angela is such a self motivated kids. All I usually do with her is check her work at the end of each lesson.